So where did the last 22 years go?! Hi everyone! Welcome to Cavallo Fine Jewelry! For those who already know us, thank you for being part of our success and those who have been with us through generations already, well, we’ve come to think of you as family. For those just beginning to know us, this is who we are: John DiGregorio, custom design jeweler with over 40 years of experience in making incredible jewelry, wearable art, jewelry photography and often repairing the unrepairable. Connie Rovigo, custom design jeweler with 23 years of experience of creating figurative custom jewelry, stringing a few hundred miles of pearls and beads and quality control queen. Some of you will remember Eli, John’s son, another accomplished jeweler; he was offered a position he could not refuse with another jewelry company where his talents will be honed to new heights. We wish him all the success he deserves!
We’ve all been through trying times and changes. Currently it seems we will be keeping our hours indefinitely to Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10am - 4pm. The adage “we are all in this together” has never rung truer. We thank everyone near and far for your support! And remind you that our website is always there for your gift giving needs. Some may not know but we also offer our custom design abilities via online. With the ability to instantly send pictures and videos, we can keep each of our customers up to date with each step of the process that goes into making a custom piece. From the original drawings and purchasing of unique gemstones, to the casting process to final stone setting and polishing, our custom design customers will see how their piece is evolving. Each piece however, comes with its own timeline: intricacy, ability to find the exact gems needed, hours in the day and projects already in the works dictate how long each piece takes to accomplish. Our aim is to see or hear ‘Wow!’ ‘Wow’ jewelry takes time!
Once more, we thank you all for your support throughout the years! If you find yourself in the Hudson Valley, please make the trip to the town of Red Hook. The food establishments are fabulous! The small retail businesses are diverse and filled with wonderful treasures and stop in to see us, for a chat or for a Wow!
"My career is my passion." Both John and I can truly say this. Or, "I work an 80 hour week so I don't have to have a 40 hour a week job!" Why? Because that is what I'm happiest doing. From the thrill of carving the original wax, to watching the customers face light up when they see their piece for the first time, to uploading our own line onto our selling sites, its what I do. Its what John does.
It appears that everything I have done in life culminated into this career. My childhood love of rocks and gems to the drawing classes to my other passion: horses. The old cliche' : if you love what you do, you won't work a day in your life, is on the nosey! So off I go, to do some life size drawings, or go on a run or putter in the garden, just to keep perspective.
John? I can bet that he's home right now, trying out new techniques for the awesome pictures he takes of our jewelry. Or carving a knife handle for his old Boy Scout knife...
Just to keep perspective.
Eli, John's son? A little pool, some organized sports.